Lady and the Tramp

Top 10 Disney’s Bad Guy Songs

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And, as promised, here is the top 10 list for the bad guy songs!

10. Lady and the Tramp – “The Siamese Cat Song”

Not for any other reason, but they really do cause mayhem while singing that song. Careful that vase is going to – !… too late…

9. Pocahontas – “Mine Mine Mine”

What better title to suit a bad guy’s song – so greedy…

8. Sword in the Stone – “Mad Madam Mim”

The song says it all – she’s mad and bad!

7. Hercules – “Gospel Truth II”

It’s the second part of the song Gospel Truth and it’s a little introduction of the almighty and all-loved Hades. No matter how evil he is, he is definitely a favorite character!

6. Beauty and the Beast – “Gaston”

Seriously, why do all villains have to sing about themselves? Really now…

5. 101 Dalmatians – “Cruella DeVil”

Like I said… every evil song sings about the bad guy – or bad woman…

4. Little Mermaid – “Poor Unfortunate Souls”

A song which doesn’t refer to herself (Ursula), finally! It’s catchy and melodic, to the point that as I was writing the title, I couldn’t help but sing along with it: “Poor unfortunate sould! In pain, in neeeeeed!”

3. Hunchback of Notre Dame – “Hellfire”

I had watched this film when I was younger and always thought that the bad guy of the film wanted to be rid of Esmeralda because, well, he was the bad guy. Growing up, I watched it again, and when I realized that the bad guy wanted to get rid of her because he had the hots for her, plainly, creeped me out!

2. Lion King – “Be Prepared”

Ah, Scar. An all-time favorite character. This guy could be considered to be weak, fragile, but so sly, that he can get away with anything – even killing his own brother. Be prepared however also shows you as an audience the effect and influence he has on other side characters. A great character that really deserves, in my opinion, number 2.

But who could have beaten Scar and gotten number 1?

And the number 1 song sang by a villain goes tooooo…

*Drum Rolls*

1. Princess and the Frog – “Friends on the Other Side”

This song is so catchy and so good, that you can’t help it but snap your fingers at the beat! The evil character is sly and wicked and, well, our number one in this list!